Wednesday, August 8, 2012

About Landlubbers

This is a video that the students helped created that Mrs. Stauffer and Mr. Shillings used to present the Landlubber Running Club to other Wake County Schools.  Enjoy,

OCE Landlubbers

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Second Mile

Today students completed, their second mile race.  It was a hot one!  Due to the heat, many of us (including myself) were unable to meet our mile time goals.  We also modified the course to ensure that it was a mile. This session of the running club has been in my opinion the most fun and rewarding one so far.  We have seen great success in students training to improve their running stamina, cardio and speed.  We have been working in four groups, based on the students' goal or purpose for joining running Club

  • Speed group - we have been doing a lot of speed work, hill training and building our fast twitch muscles to improve our speed.
  • Cardio group - we have been been doing a lot of cardiovascular exercise that require us to get our heart rates up from normal walking.  We have done obstacle courses (ladders, hurdles, sprints) and races to build up our cardio.
  • 1 Mile group - we have been doing a lot of interval runs to improve our 1/8, 1/4 and 1/2 mile times.  We ran a 1/2 mile run last week (4/24) and every students was able to improve their running pace from their mile race.  A few our students beat their time by 2 minutes 
  • 2+ miles - we have been working on building up our stamina to train for a 5k.  Our students continue to work on running at a pace that they can keep for a duration of about 20 minutes.  Students have been able to increase their distance to over two miles (some over three) in a twenty minute run.  

Monday, March 26, 2012

Angel Among Us - 5k

Mrs. Medins, one of our Landlubber parents, wanted to let you know about a 5K run/walk up at Duke on April 28 to support the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke.  The run is called "Angels Among Us", website  If anyone in the running club is interested in participating, the team that my family will be with is called "The Rapid Responders"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Spring Landlubbers

Interested in joining us for the Spring Session?  Here is the sign up sheet:

This sessions goals -

  • Distance goal (how many miles for the 10 sessions?) using pedometers
  • Speed goal (time for the mile)
  • Pacing groups to support each other using the Nike Plus GPS system 
  • Having fun running with friends and getting exercise 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mile run on May 17th

We had a successful mile run on Tuesday! All of runners finished within 14:30 seconds! We also found out that our route is a little longer then a mile, so we were all faster then we thought we were before the run.

Thanks to all of the wonderful volunteers (parents and staff) for helping make it a smooth event.

We will continue to have running club next week. We will continue to work on pacing, speed work and cardio. Be sure to drink plenty of water and a nutritious lunch!

Landlubbers Blog

This is a site for Landlubbers to communicate about progress in their running, club information and sharing out successes!